Analyze a BigDFT run from a Logfile class

This small tutorial will show how to inspect the result of a BigDFT calculation from the Logfile class. An instance of this class is returned after the execution of a calculator. Technically, such instance is constructed from the yaml file which is associated to the logfile of the actual run of the bigdft core executable.

For this reason, it is possible to inspect already existing runs by manually instantiating the class from a yaml logfile. In order to do that we can load the Logfiles module:

from BigDFT import Logfiles as L
from os.path import join

datadir = '../../PyBigDFT/source/notebooks/testfiles/'

Let us now load a file into a instance of a Logfile class. Imagine that our logfile corresponds to a single-point run, and it is present in a file named name log-HBDMI.yaml:

HBDMI = L.Logfile(join(datadir,'log-HBDMI.yaml'))

From this instance it is also possible to visualize the system associated

from BigDFT import Systems as S

sys = S.system_from_log(HBDMI,fragmentation='atomic')
from BigDFT.Visualization import get_atomic_colordict

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jupyter labextension install jupyterlab_3dmol

<BigDFT.Visualization.InlineVisualizer at 0x147ca86952e0>

The run is now loaded. To inspect its behaviour we might print it down to inspect the usual information:

- Atom types:
  - C
  - N
  - O
  - H
- cell: Free BC
- number_of_orbitals: 41
- posinp_file:
- XC_parameter: 1
- grid_spacing: 0.3
- spin_polarization: 1
- total_magn_moment: 0
- system_charge: 0
- rmult:
  - 5.0
  - 8.0
- dipole:
  - -0.19551
  - -0.61908
  - -0.096593
- energy: -127.35074499502582
- fermi_level: -0.1921099447862
- forcemax: 0.01730347812308
- forcemax_cv: 0.0
- gnrm_cv: 0.0001
- nat: 28
- symmetry: disabled
- No. of KS orbitals:
  - 41

The above information can also be accessed separately, by having a look at the attributes of the HBDMI object:

list(HBDMI.__dict__) #you may also type: dir(HBDMI)

Each of these attributes correspond to a specific quantity, which is documented in the API. We here refer to some examples with the aim of showing some tests.

We might consider to postprocess some of the variables for study of the system. Here an example:

print('The average energy per atom is:',,\
    '(',,' Ha),',HBDMI.nat,' atoms)')
print('There are also,',HBDMI.evals[0].info,' (up,down) orbitals in the run (if nspin)') #fix wrt to nspin
The average energy per atom is: -4.548240892679494 ( -127.35074499502582  Ha), 28  atoms)
There are also, [41, 0]  (up,down) orbitals in the run (if nspin)

It is also possible to access directly the yaml serialization of the bigdft logfile with the .log attribute.

['Code logo', 'Reference Paper', 'Version Number', 'Timestamp of this run', 'Root process Hostname', 'Number of MPI tasks', 'OpenMP parallelization', 'Maximal OpenMP threads per MPI task', 'MPI tasks of root process node', 'Compilation options', 'radical', 'outdir', 'logfile', 'run_from_files', 'dft', 'perf', 'lin_general', 'psolver', 'output', 'kpt', 'geopt', 'md', 'mix', 'sic', 'tddft', 'mode', 'lin_basis', 'lin_kernel', 'lin_basis_params', 'psppar.C', 'psppar.N', 'psppar.O', 'psppar.H', 'posinp', 'Data Writing directory', 'Atomic System Properties', 'Geometry Optimization Parameters', 'Material acceleration', 'DFT parameters', 'Basis set definition', 'Self-Consistent Cycle Parameters', 'Post Optimization Parameters', 'Properties of atoms in the system', 'Atomic structure', 'Box Grid spacings', 'Sizes of the simulation domain', 'High Res. box is treated separately', 'Poisson Kernel Initialization', 'Poisson Kernel Creation', 'Wavefunctions Descriptors, full simulation domain', 'Total Number of Electrons', 'Spin treatment', 'Orbitals Repartition', 'Total Number of Orbitals', 'Input Occupation Numbers', 'Wavefunctions memory occupation for root MPI process', 'NonLocal PSP Projectors Descriptors', 'Communication checks', 'Memory requirements for principal quantities (MiB.KiB)', 'Accumulated memory requirements during principal run stages (MiB.KiB)', 'Estimated Memory Peak (MB)', 'Ion-Ion interaction energy', 'Total ionic charge', 'Poisson Solver', 'Interaction energy ions multipoles', 'Interaction energy multipoles multipoles', 'Input Hamiltonian', 'Ground State Optimization', 'Last Iteration', 'GPU acceleration', 'Rho Commun', 'Total electronic charge', 'Multipole analysis origin', 'Electric Dipole Moment (AU)', 'Electric Dipole Moment (Debye)', 'Quadrupole Moment (AU)', 'Calculate local forces', 'Calculate Non Local forces', 'Timings for root process', 'BigDFT infocode', 'Average noise forces', 'Clean forces norm (Ha/Bohr)', 'Raw forces norm (Ha/Bohr)', 'Atomic Forces (Ha/Bohr)', 'Energy (Hartree)', 'Force Norm (Hartree/Bohr)', 'Memory Consumption Report', 'Walltime since initialization', 'Max No. of dictionaries used', 'Number of dictionary folders allocated']

We might access the Density of States of this system:

DoS = HBDMI.get_dos(label='HBDMI molecule')
ax = DoS.plot(sigma=0.2)
_ = ax.set_title('Density of States, smearing 0.2 eV')

It is also possible to inspect if the run have converged correctly. The plot below shows the average wavefunction residue norm during the SCF iterations.

_ = HBDMI.SCF_convergence()

Case of a periodic system

The above case was a Free BC molecule single point run. Let us now consider the case of a periodic calculation. We take as an example a logfile coming from one run of the DeltaTest benchmark (see this page to know what it is all about). In any case, let us load the log-K.yaml file:

K = L.Logfile(join(datadir,'log-K.yaml'))
- Atom types:
  - K
- cell:
  - 9.98888442684
  - 9.98888442684
  - 9.98888442684
- number_of_orbitals: 13
- XC_parameter: -101130
- grid_spacing:
  - 0.332966147561
  - 0.332966147561
  - 0.332966147561
- spin_polarization: 1
- total_magn_moment: 0
- rmult:
  - 10.0
  - 8.0
- dipole:
  - -42.025
  - -42.025
  - -42.025
- energy: -56.52301363451743
- fermi_level: 0.0609691899665294
- forcemax: 2.038812434232e-07
- forcemax_cv: 0.0
- gnrm_cv: 1e-08
- kpt_mesh:
  - 15
  - 15
  - 15
- nat: 2
- stress_tensor:
  - - 5.126601876834e-07
    - 3.529303946071e-23
    - -1.058791184314e-22
  - - 3.529303946071e-23
    - 5.126601876383e-07
    - -8.215933604291e-33
  - - -1.058791184314e-22
    - -8.215933604291e-33
    - 5.126601877667e-07
- symmetry: not prim.
- No. of KS orbitals per k-point:
  - 13

Here we can see that there are also other attributes available, like the \(k\)-points and the pressure (in GPa):


For example, the structural information can be accessed by:

{'cell': [9.98888442684, 9.98888442684, 9.98888442684],
 'positions': [{'K': [0.0, 0.0, 0.0]},
  {'K': [4.994442213, 4.994442213, 4.994442213]}],
 'Rigid Shift Applied (AU)': [0.0, 0.0, 0.0],
 'forces': [{'K': [1.721377403941e-25, 0.0, 0.0]},
  {'K': [1.721377403941e-25, 0.0, 0.0]}]}

Here we might also trace the density of states and the band structure, in a similar fashion:

<matplotlib.axes._subplots.AxesSubplot at 0x1459b73430a0>

Writing band structures out of a converged system

The logfile, for periodic systems, can also be employed to write band structures.

from BigDFT import BZ
BZ_K = K.get_brillouin_zone()
spacegroup Im-3m (229)
Lattice found: cubic
/opt/upstream/lib/python3.9/site-packages/ase/dft/ UserWarning: Please call this function with cell as the first argument
  warnings.warn('Please call this function with cell as the first '
irreductible k-points 120
Interpolation bias 6.95567292478855e-09
ax = BZ_K.plot(npts=300)
(-1, 3)

As an another example, we might inspect the \(k\)-points such as the \(\Gamma\) point:

Gamma = K.kpts[0]
{'Rc': [0.0, 0.0, 0.0], 'Bz': [0.0, 0.0, 0.0], 'Wgt': 0.0003}

Case of a Geometry optimization

For a geometry optimization the situation is similar, with the extra point that the code automatically recognize multiple runs inside the logfile. Let us see the example of the following logfile:

geopt = L.Logfile(join(datadir,'GEOPT-all_sqnmbiomode.out.ref.yaml'))
Found 11 different runs
- cell: Free BC
- number_of_orbitals: 7
- posinp_file:
- XC_parameter: 1
- grid_spacing:
  - 0.45
  - 0.45
  - 0.45
- spin_polarization: 1
- total_magn_moment: 0
- system_charge: 0
- rmult:
  - 5.0
  - 8.0
- energy: -14.900068217309986
- fermi_level: -0.2935133380623
- forcemax: 0.00376314
- forcemax_cv: 0.01
- force_fluct: 0.000771111
- gnrm_cv: 0.0001
- nat: 8
- symmetry: disabled
- No. of KS orbitals: []

The interesting point is that now the logfile can be iterated among the different geometry steps:

en = [ for l in geopt]
for i,e in enumerate(en):
0 -14.896095253859464
1 -14.897377172313178
2 -14.898482433406212
3 -14.898861280172312
4 -14.899264325696496
5 -14.899589665247579
6 -14.899694268869062
7 -14.899781420570605
8 -14.899830568576757
9 -14.899987054521805
10 -14.900068217309986

The geopt_plot function allows to plot the relation beween energy and forces, where it can be also seen that the desired criterion is reached. Errorbars show the local fluctuation of the forces, an indication of the (cleaned) center of mass drift. See the example:

ax = geopt.geopt_plot()
sys_opt = S.system_from_log(geopt,fragmentation='full')
sys_start = S.system_from_log(geopt[0],fragmentation='full')
sys = [S.system_from_log(l,fragmentation='full') for l in geopt]
# show the start and last
sys_opt['START:0'] = sum(sys_start.values())

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<BigDFT.Visualization.InlineVisualizer at 0x1459c37d7f40>

We can also see the animation of the geometry optimization

from BigDFT.Visualization import InlineVisualizer

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jupyter labextension install jupyterlab_3dmol

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